Friday, June 4, 2010

Who Is A Dietitian..?

Masih ramai lagi yg masih tak mengenali siapa itu dietitian (pegawai dietetik) dan apa tugas serta fungsinya...memandangkan bidang dietetik masih lagi baru di Malaysia, jadi sukar untuk kita menjelaskan kepada komuniti apa fungsi dietitian yang sebenarnya...

Ada juga yang keliru dengan menyamakan dietitian dengan nutritionist ..sebenarnya kedua post ini mempunyai skop tugas yang berbeza tetapi dengan fungsi yang sama - secara amnya, meningkatkan taraf kesihatan melalui pemakanan yang sihat..

Mengikut apa yang telah dijustifikasikan oleh Malaysian Dietitian Association (MDA)*:

"A dietitian is a professional trained in translating the science of food, nutrition and medical nutrition therapy to meet the needs of individual or target groups, whether in disease or health. He/she is equipped with the knowledge and skills to conduct nutritional assessment, prescribe medical nutrition therapy, provide dietary consultation for the treatment of diseases /illness, in both acute and chronic care.

Besides this, the dietitian also play an important role in providing expertise in the promotion of wellness through proper eating, development of modified diets/meals/recipes in the food service organization, catering industry and food manufacturing industry in various sectors. Dietitians participate in research and apply practice, based on scientific – evidence.

dietitian is also involved in providing input for the formulation of policies, protocols, clinical practice guidelines, medical nutrition therapy guidelines, planning and implementation of programmes, to support the current healthcare needs of the population.

Terdapat beberapa kategori dietitian*, antaranya:

1. Clinical Dietitian

Clinical Dietitian provide their services to inpatients and outpatients at hospitals or medical centres. Doctors refer patients to the dietitian for consultation on the nutritional modifications required for the treatment of the disease or condition for the critically ill or chronic diseases. Clinical dietitians conduct nutritional assessment, and prescribe the diet based on the anthropometry, biochemical, clinical diagnosis and dietary intake.

2. Food Service Dietitian

Food Service Dietitians or managers are responsible for planning and management of the meal production (normal or therapeutic meals) and delivery system to ensure quality and safety of foods provided to the patients or clients. The food service organizations include hospitals or medical centres, institutions, prisons, airline catering, staff cafetarias, food chain outlets, restaurants, etc.

3. Community Dietitian

Community Dietitians work closely with wellness programmes from health organizations from both local and international. These dietitians apply and disseminate knowledge about food and nutrition to individuals and target groups in the lifespan. They can be involved in coordinating nutritional programs in public health agencies, daycare centers, health clubs, recreational camps and resorts.

4. Sports Dietitians

Sports Dietitians work with sports organizations, and agencies involved in the promotion of sports among our population.

5. Corporate Dietitian

Corporate Dietitians encompass dietitians working in sectors whereby consultancy and professional advice is required in disseminating professional and accurate information about a particular product, consultancy or service.

6. Research Dietitian

Research Dietitians work at universities or research organizations. They conduct research studies in various aspects that support further development in nutrition and dietetics research.

*Sumber: Malaysian Dietitian Association (MDA)


  1. perlu ada langkah proaktif dari student dietetik untuk promote this course pada umum...

    tak tau pon dietitian pon x pe, at least pernah dengar..hihi..

    jgn jadi macam kita, x pernah dengar pon dietetian tu ape tapi main pilih je course ni..(ak la tu))))))hehehe

    info yg menarik~~~

  2. eh..aku pnah dgr....uitm dtg matrix aku promote course dietetik...hahaha.....kalo nk promote snag jer... evrtyme ko pegi mydin mall ke mall ape pon...ko jerit dietetik kuat2..smpi ko letih...pas2..ble org dga..diorg musti curios nk la kt femes sket....hihihi

  3. ecam: sme dgn aku...haha =D

  4. isma: ak rse tu tugas ko utk jerit kt mydin mall tu...nnt bru owg curious nk tahu,,,kalu ak jerit sume x kesah..

  5. erk....asl aku lak..ko la....dgn suara merdu ad nk dga.....heeeeee..kalo aku jerit t org lari lak....haha

  6. ko kn si burung kecik...hehehe

    kecik la sangat???hahahhahahahhahhahah


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